Using the UI

Customers tab

The Customers tab displays a full list of customers created on your domain.

customers table

The list has the following columns:

  • Customer ID - The unique identifier of the customer

  • Name - The name of the customer

  • UI Language - The language of the customers’™ user interface

  • Capacity Limit - The capacity limitation that is applied to the customer

  • SIP Account Limit - The SIP account limitation that is applied to the customer

Customers share Common functionality and may also be created.

The tab is also used to access the customers’™ UI. To access the UI, click the OPEN UI button. A new tab will be opened loading the selected customers’ UI.

Creating a new customer

Selecting the option + CREATE in the “Customer” window opens a form for creating a new customer. Enter the following attributes:

Create new customer



Do Customers have access?

Customer ID






UI Language

Yes, default is EN


Capacity Limit

Yes, default is no limitation


SIP- Account Limit

Yes, default is no limitation


Available numbers tab

The Available Numbers tab displays a full list of DIDs created on your™ domain. The list includes provisioned DIDs as well as phone numbers added by customers in the UI (if this feature is enabled).

Available numbers tab

The list has the following columns: - Available Number ID - The unique identifier of the available number - Number - DID number - Customer ID - SubCustomer ID from your domain - Customer - The name of the customer - Enable - DID Number Status

Numbers share Common functionality and may also be created. Additionally, numbers may be disabled in the edit Available Number form.

A disabled number will reject incoming calls and appear flagged in the™ UI. The numbers can be re-enabled at any time.

Flagged number

Creating new available numbers

Selecting the option + CREATE within the “Available Numbers” window opens a menu for adding a number. Enter the following attributes:

Create new available number



Controlled via UI



Depends on SUB-DOMAIN settings

Customer Name



SIP accounts tab

The SIP Accounts tab displays a full list of SIP accounts created on your™ domain.

  • SIP Account ID - The unique identifier of the SIP account

  • Username - SIP account username

  • Password - SIP account password

  • Customer ID - Customers’ ID that this item is linked to

  • Customer - Customers’ name that this item is linked to

  • Caller ID name - Caller ID name used for outbound calls

  • Allow Outbound Calls - Permission to place external outbound calls

  • Internal Caller ID - Caller ID used for internal calls

  • External Caller ID - Caller ID used for external outbound calls

  • Is Online - SIP account status

  • User Agent - The registered name of the SIP endpoint device

SIP Accounts can only be edited via the operator UI.

Incoming trunks tab

Incoming Trunks tab displays a full list of incoming trunks created on your™ domain/customer

Incoming trunks are used to receive incoming traffic from DID numbers. A single customer can include an unlimited number of incoming trunks.

Incoming Trunks
  • Incoming Trunk ID - The unique identifier of the incoming trunk

  • Name - The trunk name can be used as a secondary identifier or displayed in the UI.

  • Domain - The unique domain of the incoming trunk

  • Customer ID - SubCustomer ID from your domain

  • Customer - The name of the customer

  • Codecs - Allowed codecs for this incoming trunk

  • Transport - The preferred transport protocol for this incoming trunk

Incoming trunks may be created, edited or deleted

Create new incoming trunk

Selecting the option + CREATE in the “Incoming Trunks” window opens a menu for adding an incoming trunk. Enter the following attributes:

Create Incoming Trunk



Controlled via UI




Customer Name




Yes, default is UDP



Yes, defaults may vary per domain


Destination Field

Yes, default is RURI_USERPART



Incoming trunk CDRs tab

The Incoming Trunk CDRs tab displays all incoming call traffic to the PBX, including incoming calls that do not reach a valid end -destination.


Internal calls (from extension to extension) are not included in these CDRs.

Click the SHOW button to see a detailed incoming CDR.

Incoming Trunk CDR
  • ID - The unique identifier of the incoming CDR

  • Duration - Duration of the inbound call (from Time connect to Time end)

  • SRC Name - External caller’s phone name (CNAM), if supported

  • SRC Number - Callers phone number (ANI/CLI)

  • DST Number - The number in™ that received the incoming call

  • DID Number - Destination number

  • Lega Disconnect Code - The SIP disconnect code (if applicable) from the caller’s point of view (200 OK call ended by destination, 200 BYE call ended by the call initiator)

  • Lega Disconnect Reason - The SIP disconnect code from the caller’s point of view

  • Incoming Trunk ID - Unique identifier

  • Time Start - The time when the inbound call entered the™ PBX

  • Time End - The time when the inbound call ended

  • Time connect - The time when the inbound call was answered

  • Customer - The name of the customer

Termination CDRs tab

The Termination CDRs tab displays the call traffic originating from the PBX, including all external outbound call attempts and forwarding to the PSTN. Note that internal calls (from extension to extension) are not included in these CDR statistics.

Click the SHOW button to see detailed CDRs.

Termination CDR
  • ID - The unique identifier of the termination CDR

  • Time Start - The time when the outbound call was initiated

  • Time Connect - The time when the outbound call was answered

  • Time End - The time when the outbound call ended

  • Local Tag - ID that is included in the SIP headers

  • Global Tag - D that is included in the SIP headers

  • Duration - Outbound call duration (from Time connect to Time end)

  • Lega Disconnect Code - The SIP disconnect code

  • Lega Disconnect Reason - The SIP disconnect code

  • SRC Name In - Source caller ID name

  • SRC Number In - Source caller ID

  • DST Number In - Destination number

  • Orig Call Id - The unique call ID

Termination gateways

The Termination Gateways tab displays a full list of gateways created on your™ domain.

Termination gateways are used to terminate calls to the PSTN. Such calls can be originated by SIP accounts that are created by a customer, or Queue and Ring Group objects when forwarding calls to the Phone Number contact method (PSTN).

Termination Gateways
  • Gateway ID - The unique identifier of the gateway

  • Name - The name of the gateway

  • Host - The host address of the gateway

  • Network Protocol - The network protocol used on this gateway

  • Auth Name - Authorization username

  • Auth Password - Authorization password

  • Customer ID - Customers’ ID that this gateway is linked to

  • Customer - Customers’ name that this gateway is linked to

  • Codecs - Allowed codecs for this incoming trunk

Termination Gateways share Common functionality and may also be created.

Creating a new termination gateway

Selecting the option in the “Termination Gateways” window opens a menu for adding a termination gateway. Enter the following attributes:

Create Termination Gateway



Controlled via UI



Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN



Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN


Yes, default is 5060

Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

Customer name



Network protocol

Yes, default is “IPv4_only”

Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

Auth Name


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

Auth Password


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

SRC Rewrite Rule


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

SRC Rewrite Result


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

DST Rewrite Rule


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

SRC Rewrite Result


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN


Yes, defaults depend on SUB-DOMAIN configuration

Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

Termination routes

The Termination Routes tab displays a full list of termination gateways created on your™ domain.

Termination route configuration options are available, with multiple routes that can share outbound gateways if required. Routes add flexibility for routing outbound calls, such as using different service providers to call specific countries so as to minimize calling costs, or to localize dialing patterns when calling a specific country.

Termination Routes
  • Route ID - The unique identifier of the route

  • Name - The name of this route (same as the gateway)

  • Gateway ID - The unique identifier of the gateway

  • Gateway - The name of this gateway

  • Customer ID - SubCustomer ID from your domain

  • Customer - The name of the customer

Termination Routes share Common functionality and may also be created.

Creating a new termination route

Selecting the option in the “Termination Routes” window opens a menu for adding termination routes. Enter the following attributes:

Create Termination Route



Controlled via UI



Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

Customer name





Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

SRC Prefix


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

DST Prefix


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

SRC Rewrite Rule


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

SRC Rewrite Result


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

DST Rewrite Rule


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN

DST Rewrite Result


Yes, if allowed on SUB-DOMAIN